The 365 Commitment

Day 61 of 84 – Making a Day Count

We sleep walk through too many days. I am convinced that the reason we are not as successful at achieving what is most important to us is because we are sleep walking. Everyday is not the same, yet they begin to feel the same when you are sleep walking. You go through each day, repeating similar patterns, following all ready trod paths and you start to go comatose. You go through each day almost the same way you did it before. Things start to feel eerily scripted. This may feel good for a person in a fixed mindset, but I hate to say, whereas that mindset has its advantages – it also a non-growth mindset. A non-changing mindset. Yet another boring and dull sunset in a pale gray sky. If you want to see vibrant sunsets, full of color and wonder you have to change your scenery, change your days, do something different.

As the sun begins to set on my vacation this week, I am reminded of how many different days were strung together full of new activity and new discovery. How much time I spent with what was the most important to me. I realize as I face the dawn of tomorrow, and the string of tomorrows that will follow it, how much I really need to cherish each and everyday and make sure I spent the time I can focused on what is really important. Everyday should be notable for one reason or another. Should you not know each day intimately? Should not each day be counted and noted as a successful attempt at achieving what life is all about. Why not aspire each day to greatness? At least give it a shot!? So you will fail, over and over again, but why not stretch to succeed and putting the most important priorities first?

Today I built a rock sculpture with one daughter, and sat and pondered nesting sea turtles with another. I say a beautiful sunset. I consider today a pretty good attempt at getting it right. Day 580 – the day I saw a sunset with my family.

Guy Reams (580)

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