The 365 Commitment

Have a Good Day

There is no starting over. This is a myth that you tell yourself to avoid doing what you are supposed to be doing. You see we make a mistake, or have a setback in our commitments and then suddenly we give ourselves a free pass. We decide, oh, I need to start over. I will do that next week, or next month, or next year. Meanwhile we let ourselves off the hook until the day we are ready to start over again. Then we push that start over date back, and push it back again. This is a game we play with ourselves and it is a very destructive game.

You see this is a reality constructed by ourselves to avoid doing what we are supposed to. The start over date is imaginary and it is just an excuse. Reality is that our life is comprised of one time line. We have already started so to speak. The starting gun already fired. We can pretend all that we want to that there is some imaginary new start date that is somehow going to magically help us become better people. The very real reality is that the timeline of our lives have good days and bad days. If you continue to chalk up bad days on the score board waiting for the “fake” starting line that you have created for yourself then you will wake up one day and realize that you have far more bad days then good days.

A better life is quite simple math. It is when you have more good days then bad days. So we should stop wasting our time waiting for some future start over point and start right now accumulating more good days. Who cares if you have one bad day, if you follow up with three great days. Your reaction to a bad day, should be an immediate resurgence to an awesome day or two. Since you are already in the race, the start has already began so you might as well chalk up a few good days along the way, rather then waiting around having a series of bad days in a row.

Here is the deal, we probably all know exactly what it would take to have a good day. If you do not, then perhaps that is something to really think about. What would it take for you to have a good day? Once you know what it takes to have a good day, then what are you waiting for? Why are you letting a bunch of bad days go by? If you can make a quick list of what a good day is, then just do those things and then you will at least know that today was a good day. When you string together 100 good days in a row, suddenly all the dark clouds will be gone, the sun will be shining again and you will find the skies full of rainbows.

Crafting the good day, may not be that hard. Seriously. A good day maybe just as simple as exercising in the morning. If I do my routine in the morning, then I will know that today is a good day. It could be something else, or it could be something you build to overtime. Decide right now what it takes to have a good day and then do it. You will still have some bad moments, but if you decide what the day needs to have at a minimum and then you do it, you will discover that stringing together a bunch of good days is actually quite possible.

You can do what I have been doing. I number them. I give each good day in a row a number and then I put that in () behind my name sometimes. Just to remind myself the importance of chasing good days.

So…having said all this. Go have a good day!

Guy Reams (676)

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