The 365 Commitment

Day 126 – Change

I have heard several times a quote attributed to Covey, although I think he got it from someone else, that if you expect different results then you have to change your behavior. This simple truth extends to a couple of clear facts. If you like the results that you are getting, then do not change your behavior. However, if you do not like the results that you are getting then you need to change. Covey indicated in one of his books – you are perfectly designed to get the exact results that you are getting now.

Meaning this. Whatever it is that you like about yourself, or do not like about yourself – you are living your life perfectly to get that exact result. Are you unhappy with the income level that you are earning? If that is the case – then continuing to do what you have always done is not going to change that fact. Your life is perfectly coordinated to earn and spend exactly the money that you do currently. If you want more money then you have now then you are going to have to change your behavior, change what you do, change the people you know.

Extend this to anything. Are you unhappy with the current relationship you have with a loved one? Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news – but your behavior is perfectly designed to get the results that you are getting now. It is the only healthy way to look at reality. I can find a million excuses as to why certain things are the way they are – but at the end of the day – my life is completely centered and focused on getting the results I am getting.

This thinking leads me to another thought that I am grappling with this morning. If I change my behavior in a significant way – then I am going to experience change in my circumstances. It is absolutely inevitable. If your life is perfectly setup to get a specific result, if you make a significant change then you are going to upset the equilibrium and cause change and ultimately your situation will be altered. I have noted some things that are changing in my life – subtle things really – but they are changing. I am feeling angst about that – but then I realized this thought.

What did I expect? I am making a very significant change to my behaviors, and I did so on faith that if I did so – I would be blessed with improvements toward lifelong ambitions. Now I am taken a back by changes that are starting to occur. I guess I am taking comfort this morning that the change to my circumstance is a natural result of changing my behavior.

Or another way to look at it – I need to shut-up and let the God that I have been praying to every morning and every night do his work and stop complaining about it.

Guy Reams (126)
Embracing Change
365 Member

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