The 365 Commitment

Day 129 – Raise the Blah

I am remembering last year. There were periods last year when I had “blah” days. Days where I did not accomplish much, and I knew it. I imagine that every human has “blah” days. Perhaps successful people have fewer blah days then  unsuccessful people – OR – perhaps successful people have raised the blah.

What does that mean? Raise the blah. A year ago, when I had a blah day – which came more frequently then I really want to admit – my blah days were much lower then my blah days today. The reason is because of the 365 commitment. Now I am following a formula that requires me to accomplish critical and important tasks everyday. It has caused me to develop some habits that reinforce this behavior every morning and every night.

Developing really strong habits, helps with the blah. You see now when I have a bad day, a day that is just blah, I at least accomplish a certain core set of habits. My blah is now raised to a higher level then it used to be. So start asking yourself – what I are you going to accomplish everyday? When you start thinking in terms like that, it no longer matters if today is a good or bad day. You are going to at least accomplish a certain set of good behaviors that you have set out to do everyday.

Now the accumulation of your full year of activity will always include several blah days. However, now even your blah days will have accomplished a certain level of benefit for you. If everyday, all 365 of them, you are doing something to propel yourself forward then you will eventually get where you want to go.

Sorry, you are still going to have days that are just blah. However, hopefully you will follow the 365 and get some good habits going. By so doing, your blah days will have a minimum benefit to you. You will effectively have raised the blah.

Guy Reams (129)
365 Member

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