The 365 Commitment

Day 157 – Do what you like?

I have heard this concept thousands of times. You should discover what you are naturally drawn to, and what comes easily for you and make that your life’s work.

Is this really true? Or is that only what the handful of really successful people say because they have the luxury to do so?

This question is what has always prevented me from ditching my day job to pursue my childlike fancy of spending my days doing something fun.

I am watching my kids grow up. One of my daughters naturally likes to draw, write poems and has an intense attention to detail. Is it my job as a parent to guide her to a path where she will spend the rest of her time in an occupation, or pursuit that those natural interests would be a great asset?

I am not dead yet either. For all intent, I have at least several more decades of productivity last. I spent the first half of a century focused on necessity, maybe I should consider the road least travelled for the second half a century?

Awesome questions without answers for the 365 list this morning. Pondering is sometimes a good thing.

Guy Reams (157)

365 Member

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