I have written a blog on this same concept before. Back then I called it SPAM. Specific and Measurable Objectives. I am listening to John Doerr’s book “Measure what Matters” as part of my morning run. In this book he outlines a methodology for goal setting that companies like Intel, Google, and the Gates Foundation have used to find success.
OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results. I am calling it OKRA, just because it is funny and funny sometimes is a great way for me to remember things. I also hate OKRA just as about the same amount that I hate goal setting. The point of OKR is to emphasize results over ideas.
A great example is my 365 commitment. As part of this commitment I set an audacious goal to look and feel great in 365 days. I set as an objective to exercise. I have created measureable results that I track each day. I am now doing the same for my nutrition. This is working, and I am seeing the result. I might actually achieve my impossible goal, and for first time in my life be able to actually look in the mirror and think to myself that I am in good physical shape.
What really matters to you? If it matters enough, you will write down on your 365 list today to focus on writing a few objectives with 3 – 5 key results that are going to get you there. You will spend time considering how you will measure those results and you will include that in what you write. This applies to just about anything. Life, School, Work, Religion, and Relationships.
So today I start eating OKRA. I am going to codify just about everything in my life and I am going to remember to put more wood behind fewer arrowheads (borrowed that from Larry Page). I will drop the things that I can and focus on the most important and I will create a OKR methodology for what is important in my life. My employees better get ready because they are in for a world of change. I am all in on my plate of OKRA.
Guy Reams (161)
365 Member