The 365 Commitment

Day 173 – Scoring Your Progress – Weekly

In contemplating more specific and measurable objectives that I want to achieve – I came across this concept of scoring myself. Once a week.

Can you imagine that? You set a few really important measurable results that you want to achieve and then you actually force yourself to sit down once a week and review your progress and give yourself a score. Lets say on a 1 – 10 scale.

I imagine that each week you could track how you are doing toward your goals, by seeing what direction you are going. All lower numbers and what are you really doing? Do you really care about your goals or not? If you score way too high, perhaps your goal is too high – maybe it is time to stretch yourself?

That would be taking this whole thing to the next level. Set an objective. Then create 3 – 5 actual things you are going to do to produce results. I will do X by Y. Each week you can evaluate how you are doing toward that result this week. Keep measuring each week, hold yourself accountable. Perhaps invite someone, like your spouse, to sit in on your grading session.

Not sure if I am serious about doing this, but perhaps I am not really serious about achieving my goals??

Guy Reams (173)
365 Member

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