The 365 Commitment

Day 206 – No Dragging Allowed

So I experienced for a few days this dragging feeling where I wake up at 5am and start to slowly lumber my way through my primary commitments. Groggy, grumpy and with a resigned perseverance to get through my commitments. Ha! I deny that behaviour! I have started to time myself. It is amazing what a little attitude adjustment can do for my time commitment.

Yesterday, I slogged through the process and it took me about 3 hours – way too long. In fact I could not finish my routines because I had to move on to important work related items. I had to make up for it later in the evening by completing my “morning” routine, just so I could get to some of the things I like to do in the evening. I thought this is ridiculous. If I am going to do these things – then I need to get up out of bed and do them with vigor and intensity.

So I did this morning. For example, I rolled right out of bed and started my pushups. Before I could even think about objecting to this horrible treatment, I was on to my situps and then squats. I quickly moved downstairs and got my steel cut oatmeal going and while I was doing that – tied my shoes, did some of my reading and started my 365 list. After I completed the 365 commitment, I ran. All told I reduced my time to 1.5 hours – and I got it all done.

In sharp contrast to days when I just let my “I am tired” mental state overwhelm me into a stupor. So no more dragging allowed. I am all in on this thing and I am not going to let myself limp across the finish line. I am going to start and finish strong!

Guy Reams (206)
365 Member

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