The 365 Commitment

Day 256 – Mental Toughness

In the past I have written about this concept of “mind calluses.” This is what you build each and every time you overcome that inner prehistoric part of your subconscious that encourages you to avoid something hard. Along that line is mental toughness.

I hate to say this, but it is absolutely true. Mental toughness is at first a decision. You cannot take it in pill form, you cannot find a drink that will give it to you, and you can watch a million videos and read a million more books but until you make the decision to be mentally tough you will remain soft and a victim to laziness, procrastination, and over indulgence in bad things.

So you have to decide to be tough. We are all at different levels. 206 days ago, I decided to be mentally tough. I ran about 100 feet and did 1 pushup, 1 situp and 1 squat. That may not sound very tough to you – but at the time it was for me. This morning I ran 4 miles in 40 minutes, did 206 pushups, squats, and situps. I have changed and I have increased in mental toughness – but at the beginning of it all was the decision to act and not back down.

Everyday I make the same decision. Believe me, when I am standing there looking at the ground and thinking about the next 12 minutes of pushups (it takes me 12 minutes, 12 sets of 17 +1) I have to decide to do it. There are many reasons I will come up with for NOT doing those pushups, but I overcome – I decide to be tough. I ran 4 instead of 2 today. I am writing this blog, even though I really do not want to. I am not allowing my inner self to control my day. I am taking charge, and pushing myself to do things I normally would not.

Compared to many others, I am am a weakling. My bragging about my pushups and running probably would seem like the feeble minding boasting of a child on a playground that really cannot back his stuff up. However, tomorrow I am doing it again, then the next day, then the next day. I see a lot of people working out all the time – but I can tell you there are 1 or 2 that I see everyday. Those are the ones that I know in 365 days from now are going to be even that much more phenomenal.

It actually does not take that long to be impressive (to yourself and others). It just takes consistency for a period of time and that takes mental toughness. It is not will power – do not mistake that. Will power is something that you need initially, but it only lasts a few days. What you need after that is just cold hard mental stone. There is no way to sugar coat that. It is absolutely going to suck and suck bad. It is going to be raining some days, some days it is going to be too cold or too hot. You are going to hurt, feel hungry, be depressed, feel overwhelmed and have too much anxiety. Other times you will be down right sick or physically down. However, your resolve cannot break – you must dig deep and find withing yourself a hidden reservoir of strength and overcome your inhibitions. Fight, resist and do it anyway. You need about 100 of those moments where you overcome yourself and choose to be mentally tough and then it finally gets easier – although not that much easier!

Guy Reams (256)
365 Member

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