The 365 Commitment

Day 271 – What to do When Overwhelmed

Everyone gets overwhelmed. The feeling is difficult to deal with because you reach a tipping point and the final added requirement pushes you over the edge.

There many reactions you can have to this feeling and almost all of them are bad. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • You can melt down and do nothing. For example, spend the rest of the day and evening binge watching the last season of the Walking Dead.
  • You can find something else to do to completly distract yourself from what you have to do. For example, finally clean out that kitchen drawer, or clean your closet. Anything but what you need to do.
  • Find a substance to abuse to shut your mind and or body down so you can get a respite from your overwhelmed anxiety feeling.
  • Find someone to attack and take your frustrations out on them.
  • Give up and radically depart from your current situation. Quit your job, become a Starbucks Barista and take up bronze sculpting.

There is a good option. Take a deep breath, really contemplate what is really causing this feeling, pick the one that is really causing the feeling the most and create a simple plan to resolve it. As soon as you remove the one thing, or at least have a plan for dealing with it, you will miraculously feel better.

Guy Reams (271)

365 Member

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