The 365 Commitment

Day 291 – Don’t Fight the Trail

In the book, “Born to Run,” Caballo Blanco teaches the author how to run long distances in harsh conditions. His first lesson – Dont Fight the Trail.

Seems to be a much more profound lesson then just running. How often do we fight the path that has been laid before us? How often to we resist and make ourselves miserable because we would rather be on a different course with better conditions? Perhaps the best advice really is to stop fighting the trail and accept the path.

You are much more likely to succeed on a difficult trail if you just accept reality and fully engage in each step before you. Looking around for another path, or jumping to a new one may often lead to more difficult conditions then you are in currently and also you might get injured in the process.

Perhaps the path itself is not all that important. There might be many paths to climb the same mountain, does it really matter which one? Is one really easier then another. Something tells me no, they are riddled with their own obstacles.

So you find yourself on a path, happy day, now dont fight the trail. Attack it with enthusiasm and happiness and enjoy the journey on your way to the top of the mountain.

Guy Reams (291)

365 Member

P.S. Dont fret, no one reaches the top of the mountain in this life. Success is something you find somewhere along the path you have selected.

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