The 365 Commitment

Day 292 – Easy, Light, Smooth and Fast

The second lesson on long distance running is to learn to tackle the trail easy, light, smooth and fast. Yet another interesting life lesson. The fact is that you only become fast until you learn to run easy, light, and smooth first. Once you have those three down – the speed comes. To become good at something you need to learn to do the basic mechanics easy. Apply this to anything and you will see what I mean.

For example, personal finances. You have to come up with a way to handle this that is easy and that you will actually do. If you do not come up with an easy and simple process you just will not do it, you will fail. Once you have a easy process to follow, you can then working on making your regular maintenance routine light. Something simple, quick and easy to follow. Once that is done, you will discover some difficult things to grapple with – work on those and smooth them out. Once you have done that then you will be fast. You will be able to solve your personal financial issues easily and quickly. Your end of year taxes will no longer be hard! That would be a miracle for me!!

That was just an example, but you can pick almost anything. Figure out a way to make it easy, implement it in a light weight way that you can do every day quickly, figure out the major hurdles and make them smooth and once you have done that you will be fast.

I practiced this philosophy today in my running technique. Amazingly, I shaved 2 minutes a mile off just by making one simple technique in my running style. Easy.

Guy Reams (292)
365 Member

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