The 365 Commitment

Day 313 – Faith Brings Synchronicity

When you have faith in your daily commitments, then…hold on pause here… when I say faith, I am not talking about that mysterious word you associate with religion as in “the faith.” I talking about hoping for an outcome that you cannot see how it will occur. You have faith that you can accomplish something great, but do not know how. So you put faith in your daily habits, your correct and true habits, your path and you hope that it will produce the result you want. You take action, you have faith.

When you are applying true faith, you experience what I call synchronicity. Things just come together for you in mysterious ways. Go ahead and deny the existing of a guiding force in your life if you must, but seriously, there is something behind a concentrated effort of faith in good things. They just come together and you are able to accomplish things in groups that used to take monumental effort.

Faith applied is the definition of synchronizing your efforts in harmony. It is almost like becoming tuned in with your future self.

Guy Reams (313)
365 Member

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