The 365 Commitment

Day 312 – Monks are Wrong

When I was younger, I envied the life of a Tibetan monk. Isolated from the noisy world, lots of time to contemplate the Universe and find the ultimate tranquil peaceful state.

However, I am starting to realize that the essence of tranquility is not finding peace in the absence of chaos, but rather in the presence of chaos. Only then can you have true peace in your life.

Find out how to find your calm center while the world is raging around you, and you have truly found something special. A strength to build upon. Find peace during peace and what have you really accomplished?

As you struggle, really struggle, that is the time to find tranquility. Then you will know what it means to have peace in your life. Running away is giving in to fear and misery and lying to oneself. Turning and facing the strain even while the tempest is raging, then you are on the road to true mastery.

Maybe I will meet a real Tibetian Monk one day and I can test my theory for real, but for now I will just take a deep breath, clear my thoughts and focus on the 365 despite the mountain of stress piled on top of me.

Guy Reams (312)

365 Member

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