The 365 Commitment

Day 344 – Surrender

This last few days I have been very tired. Not sure why, just generally sluggish. This has happened a few times this year, but has reduced in frequency. I think it is just a normal process of improvement. What I have learned is that I just plow though, keeping my habits going and then in  few days I will come roaring back stronger then ever.

Watching a movie recently one of the characters said something to the effect that when you are trying to change your course it is probably better to surrender to the current of the river then actually trying to cause a river to change course. To put this another way, if you want to make a change – find the current you want and let go as you flow down that new river rather then trying to change the course of the river you are currently in.

This also makes sense when considering that when you are heading down a path (or a river in this analogy) it is really cumbersome to try to hang on to things from your previous path that you might have been on. Letting go, is probably pretty important as holding on and fighting the current is going to impede your natural progress.

This leads me to an understanding of why I might be feeling tired, unnecessarily. I continue to fight the current sometimes, and it is exhausting work. If I were to let go and allow myself to flow with the current and power of the path that I am heading down then the effort would be much easier, similar to paddling downstream.

This may make no sense to you. I think someone who has or is trying to make major changes in their life would understand. Sometimes you have to just let go and surrender and let the new river’s current lead you to greater things.

Guy Reams (344)
365 Member

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