The 365 Commitment

Day 345 – 20 Day Challenge

Well, I have 20 days left in my 365 commitment. Although I have accomplished far more than I anticipated starting out, I have not quite achieved what I conceived of.

So I am staring down 20 days to go. Not that the end date really matters. I believe I have built lifetime habits, and made major lifestyle changes.

Regardless, it would be awesome to get to some sort of conclusion prior to the anniversary of my 1 year commitment. To do this is going to require that I dig really deep and overcome some personal barriers. Perhaps the last barriers really. I am still holding back a little and I think I need to really commit to make those happen.

A convenient time really, I have more time to spend close to home. These final things I want to accomplish are personal and involve people close to me. So I am going to see if I can really make significant progress to my ultimate objective.

This begs the question. How come I am not focused on my ultimate objectives all the time? How come I do not push to accomplish what is the most important everyday? What is it going to take for me to act like I only have 20 days left all the time?

The 365 commitment is supposed to be in that spirit. Everyday, every morning, reminding ourselves to focus on the most important. Striving to reach for the impossible. To slowly make steady and incremental process to a lifetime achievement.

So I am going to try to live this way for the next 20. I am sure I will fail, I will end up handling work issues, will get fatigued, will get lazy. But I am going to try, fail, try, fail, try, fail and then when I feel I can no longer do 9t again, try one more time.

Guy Reams (345)

365 Member

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