The 365 Commitment

Day 59 – Foundations of Choice

Gratitude is a courageous choice.  Life is hard and pain is ubiquitous.  If it’s not hard now, it will be. Choosing to be grateful for life experiences, even the bad ones takes courage.  It’s easy to be cynical.  But, cynicism doesn’t make things better. As far as I am concerned, making things better is the unifying ethic for most decisions in life, including habit formation. Gratitude and trust, and courage, seem to be foundational states of mind that do in fact, and practice, make things better.

When we trust those we associate with we can enter a flow state and avoid wasting mental resources on defense, or analysis, or surveillance.  Lack of trust in relationships will preclude value every time.

So, engendering trust, focusing on gratitude, and manifesting courage (as goals) seem to provide worthy raw material for new habit construction.  Why not go straight for what works?  Every day, take time to consciously find ways to apply these concepts.  Not out of naiveté, but in alliance with the good, and dedication to creating meaning that transcends the difficulties we all experience.

I guess what I am trying to promote is rooted in pragmatic compassion for all who share the experience of being alive, myself included.

Well, I’ve waxed philosophically tonight.   As you pursue your 365 Commitments and goals, what philosophical or ethical considerations support your actions and decisions?  Just wondering.

Ben Wagner (65)

Member 365 Commitment


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