The 365 Commitment

Day 99 – Truth and The Fabric of Reality

If you are one of those who think that there is no free will, that everything is predetermined, then I urge you to try this experiment. Tell the truth and see what happens.  Tell a Lie and see what happens.  No doubt,  if you are old enough to read this, then you have already tried this experiment.   The fabric of reality  responds to our actions and words in dynamic ways.  This indisputable fact, to my way of thinking, proves that truth exists and that free will exists.

The result of lying to ourselves and of lying to others causes the very fabric of reality to become distorted.  Within these distortions a tension mounts and builds until there is a backlash, a reckoning, and it is always negative.  That backlash comes in many forms, loss of trust, anger, hatred, and resentment crop up and destroy relationships, misinformation and/or distortions cause chains of bad decisions on the part of all who are duped by the false story.  This chain reaction causes more pain and more failure, lies make reality worse.  Do we really think we can distort the fabric of reality and get away with it?  Nope, it always has a negative consequence, at minimum undue pain.  Consider the opportunity cost of lies and half truths (the loss of what could have been if the truth were told) across human history – the thought of this is staggering and simply tragic to contemplate.

Truth is alignment and harmony with reality, the whole truth that is, not a half truth, not a distorted truth.  Being in concordance with reality is a definition of truth.  We are free agents, and creative beings who can choose to manifest (speak and act upon) truth or distortions. The best possible outcome will occur when we tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.  The caveat is to really seek the truth, through intellectual honesty, moral integrity, and with humility in recognition of our limited point of view, and other limitations i.e., degree of intellectual honesty, discernment, humility, ability. This is hard to do.

I have lied, I have distorted, and I have suffered when reality snapped back and the possibilities of that could have been slip through my fingers like sand.  You have too, right?  It is simply how human beings are and how the world works.  But, we learn and we grow.  We can forgive ourselves and others and embrace the light of truth and commit to making the best possible future or ourselves and others through what we choose to manifest.  This can only occur if we make the habit of truth telling and taking actions that are integrated with reality.

So, today I write about the habit of always (no matter what) telling the truth and acting in truth.  If you cannot tell the truth or are not sure what it is, then simply start with the habit of not lying.  This is foundational.  So often we say things that are subtle or not so subtle manipulations to bend reality to our will.  Resist this temptation, and say nothing that is not absolutely true.

However, be strategic and be careful, and beware of your limitations in perceiving what it true, then proceed with caution and humility, forgiving and being kind to others and yourself.  I cannot overstate the importance of this!

Given that lies/distortions always cause pain and destruction, can you imagine how much better the world could be, would be, if we all stopped lying to ourselves and others?  The greatest, the fluffiest, the most pain free reality possible  would ensue.  We can make this happen within our sphere of influence. I’m in!  Join me in making this a 365 Commitment Habit!  Let’s see what happens.

Ben Wagner (106)

Member The 365 Commitment

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