The 365 Commitment

Day 33 of 84 – Growth v Fixed

A new concept for me today that I picked up during a training session at West Point. Well, maybe not new, but certainly a new way to categorize some of the thoughts I have been exploring. I am sure that I will revisit this soon, I have downloaded the researchers original work on the subject.

The concept is that we have two active mental positions that we take, that of a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. You can be both at the sametime. You have a growth attitude in some areas, and have a fixed comfort level in others. Makes sense. We do not need, want, or should takes the risks necessary to grow in certain areas of our lives. We took an assessment on this and I answered the questions and then did the self scoring rubrik. Funny, as I read the questions it was so obvious to me what the right answer should be. What I did not understand is that there was no right answer. When done, I realized why I had that reaction. On the growth questions I was a 42 out of a 42. On the fixed mindset questions I was a 12 out of 42. Guess it is good that I am in a role trying to motivate a high growth sales team!!

I spied a few other scores from people in different roles. Executive management, accountants, human resources, service delivery. Many of them were more balanced. I suddenly thought, uh-oh, maybe I have the problem! This explains why I am in constant conflict. I have a high growth mindset in almost every aspect of my life. I take risks, I dance on the edge. Others find that unsafe, irresponsible, disorganized and chaotic. This research helped me see this. I will have a slight amount of increased sympathy as I steam roll my high growth risk intensive agenda! Ha!

Ok, I digress from the real point. I considered this from a personal viewpoint more then business. I think that I have changed in this regard. The 365 commitment got me there. I am more willing to do the hard, uncomfortable, new things. I am eager to jump in and take personal risks. Case and point. I sang a song today in front of the entire leadership team today. I did it on purpose. The instructor was making everyone sing who was late to class. I was petrified of that fact. So instead of running away in fear, I embraced. I played the Retired Generals game did not embarrass myself too much (well maybe a little). Yup. I waited outside the door and came in 1 minute late.  I sang a solo, and I picked an old religious hymn about an lighthouse just to make it extra hard.

So yeah, high growth mindset here. Bring it on. Nothing fixed going on in my lifestyle, other then my consistent habits. Those are consistently getting harder!

Guy Reams

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