The 365 Commitment

Blog 197 – Learning From Mistakes Not Excuses

Doh!  Two days ago I had an important meeting with a potential client. An exciting opportunity lay before me. After the meeting, I was not thrilled with how I’d managed our exchange. But was not clear exacly why.

Early this morning, as I’m emerging from dream state, it all came clear to me. I could see exactly where I screwed up! I knew exactly what I should have said and the questions to ask. Doh!

Clarity comes with the pain of defeat. Can I salvage that propect? Maybe. Doubtful. What is most important now is learning from my mistakes. I have to own them, be grateful for the lesson, and not take solace in excuses, which of course are callung like the sirens of Ulysses.

No, I will plug my ears to them and instead spend some time writing down the epiphanies that came to me as I woke this a.m. and incorporate them into my next opportunity.

The fact that I’ve spent the last 45 hours in bed with a high fever is  a tempting excuse.  “Yeah, that’s it, I was coming down with the flu!”  This is BS, because I remember when Michael Jordan led the Bulls to an NBA championship while suffering with the flu. You could see he was in agony and distress, but he still prevailed he still put in an epic performance because of his overwhelming preparation, focus, and will.

Excuses rob us of learning, they keep us from facing and working on our shortcomings. So, today I will continue to reflect on what I have learned, and resolve not carry the mistakes I made in that meeting into my future!

Ben Wagner (204)

Member The 365 Commitment

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