The 365 Commitment

Blog 233 – Ben Franklin Would Agree

“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise,”  “Eat to live; live not to eat,” “A full belly makes a bad brain,” and “To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.”

Ben Franklin wrote these words.  Apparently he knew what he was talking about. Because today nutritional science corroborates Ben Franklin’s assertions with data derived from modern scientific methods (i.e., disciplined study design and execution, large sample sizes, control groups, proper control of variables, avoiding bias, objectivity, etetera.)

I think, if modern nutritional science proves anything, it proves that we can take Ben Franklin’s advice on how to live without skepticism.  Go to bed early and get up early.  Eat foods that are nutritious and support your well-being and health.  Don’t over eat.  Restrict caloric intake to reduce disease and increase lifespan.  Franklin was and is a great teacher,  read and study the words and wisdom that he left behind!

Franklin even promoted time interval eating, limiting the hours during the day that one eats; basically,  going to bed on an empty stomach, “Dine with little, sup with less, Do better still – sleep supperless.” 

Dr. Panda at the Salk Institute, who studies the health impacts of when we eat and how many hours we fast per day, has the data to back up old Ben.

He also wrote “well done is better than well said.”  As I write this I am convicted by his words.  Writing about good habits, proper diet and health practices is fine; but, actually practicing  them is much better.  As I wrote in my last blog, doing is becoming.

Today I will l practice what I preach!  And maybe I will live this day better than yesterday, I think Ben Franklin would agree.

Ben Wagner (240)

Member The365Commitment

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