The 365 Commitment

Talking is Good

Realizing more this week than ever before that having a one on one personal conversation with another person is really a good idea and you should perhaps consider making a habit out of it. For a long time, I have always tried to reach out to a new person at least once a day, but that does not always lead to a interpersonal conversation. For this to happen, you probably have to reach out to someone you know. It is beneficial for many reasons.

The person could really help you think through something you are having a challenge with. Perspective is always good. Talking to that person you know, can help you gain a different view point which may inspire you to think of the problem differently. Talking to people can also be very therapeutic. Sometimes getting something out of you mind and into the open air may produce results that you were not expecting. For example, you may discover that the torment in your mind was really silly. Perhaps you may learn that you were not really thinking right and the viewpoint of another would really expose that.

Talking to others gets you out of your own problems and into the lives of other people. This is not always a good thing, but it is certainly way better than being a recluse and stuck in your own head all the time. By talking to others, you learn of other people’s challenges. Who knows? You might be able to help them and that would really help you feel better!

Also, by talking to other people it gives you a chance to reaffirm your commitments to other people publically. This is actually a good thing because this is source of reaffirmation which I have discovered is a powerful form of self motivation.

Anyway, there are many benefits of talking to others frequently, with no real agenda, other than an interpersonal discussion. Give it a shot. Call some people you have not talked to in a while and see how you feel!

Guy Reams

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