So at the tail end of every decade of my life I have read Tolkien’s Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books. I started this when I was just about 10 years old, I read them again just after high school, I read them again right before my first child, I read them again shortly after I made a significant career change and I am now reading them again at the meridian of my life.

Interesting the things that I pick up in different parts and phases of my life. Interesting what is fun to read now as opposed to what was fun to read the last 5 decades. I have noted a few things this time around, that are worthy of mention. I have realized the gem’s of wisdom that Gandalf says periodically throughout the books. Here is one from today.

Frodo is lamenting to Gandalf about what a horrible time that it is for him to be alive when dark forces are threatening to take over the world. He wishes that he was born during a different time, or that this evil nastiness were to occur after he was gone. Gandalf lectures Frodo by saying that we have no choice in that matter, in fact the ONLY choice we have is what we are doing to do with the time given us.

That is really the only choice. Of all the things going on around you, swirling around, threatening, knocking on the door, the only real thing that you have to deal with is what are you going to spend your time on today. That remains your choice as long as you are for the most part free. Even if you are not free, you still have some, albeit limited, choice.

So how are you doing with your only decision?

Guy Reams

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