The 365 Commitment

Chase the Lion

My wife bought me this book called “Chase the Lion” by Mark Batterson. He is a Christian Pastor for this organization called the National Community Church. He has written several books. My wife listens to the audio version of the books often. I like some of what he says, but his voice on the audible is in this ‘sing song’ like colloquial matter of fact way of speaking that makes me feel like he is making a life changing statement with every sentence. Anyway, to keep me from complaining about it, she bought me one of his books. I am glad she did. The topic of this book is something that I have been thinking about for quite some time.

The human mind is geared to run away from and rapidly distance us from imminent danger. Now that we live in a time when we are rarely chased by large ravenous beasts, we tend to find ourselves in relative comfort to that of the early times in human history. This flight response is still active, however, and unfortunately can be a little to active. When presented with an option to pursue that will help you achieve your life long dreams, you tend to cower away and hide as if that type of risk could actually hurt you. Batterson’s book is encouragement for us all to turn and face these fears, and not let our natural instincts trigger an irrational response. Rather refreshing actually, many Christian writers that I have read in the past might have included any primal instinct such as this in the very large category called, whispering from the Devil and his minions.

Here is the deal, however. The thing that you want to pursue. Your goal, your life ambition, your dream is mostly likely going to require a scary risk. It might as well be a ferocious, starved, yellow eyed lion as it will produce the same response in you. You will fear it, want to avoid it, find many reasons not to even consider it. You will stay where you are comfortable, which is probably a long distance from this lion. The revelation, for us personally, it to realize the lion for what it is. It is your dream, your goal. Stop the flight, and start the fight.

Guy Reams

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