The 365 Commitment

Teeter Totter

When I was in elementary school I remember the day they installed a brand new teeter totter. This long board with a pivot point in the middle was all the rage in 2nd grade. The novelty did not wear off at all, in fact, a sort of primal politics started to happen where the bigger kids would start to dominate the usage of the machine. There was a really big boy that no one could lift off the ground, I think it took 5 or 6 2nd graders to counter balance him. I might of picked up a few lessons from this experience. How to throw your weight around? How the laws of force apply to leverage? No, the lesson I learned was that if you want to win at something, bring all you got to where there just is no contest.

When you looked at this big boy versus the scrawny little toothpick on the other side of the teeterboard, you knew who was going to win that match up. No question. You also knew what the big boy was going to do to the poor kid. He was going to push him up really fast by jumping and then make the other kids drop to the ground really uncomfortable. Yes, no doubt at all. The big kid was going to dominate at this game.

So why is this an important lesson? Many of us want to improve, to excel, to get better, to get a good job, get a great promotion, win a big award. We all have those desires, so here is the lesson of the teeter totter. If you want to succeed then put so much effort into preparation that it is overwhelmingly obvious that you are the right choice. Just like when you look at the big kid on the board. When someone looks at you, they will know at first glance what is obvious. You are the most prepared, you are overwhelmingly the right choice. You should be so prepared that there is not other option.

Now that will not, by itself, win the day for you. You also need luck, you also need opportunity, you also need to be in the right place at the right time and you also have to ask. However, putting all other factors, intrinsic and extrinsic aside the single greatest thing you can do to gain an advantage is to prepare. Now the big kid had no idea that his voracious appetite was preparing him for the day to dominate the new playset in elementary school, but you can definitely start right now to prepare for the day when you will be the obvious choice.

There are many things out of your control, but do not let the one thing in your control go unattended. That is your preparation. My grandfather told me that any case he won as a lawyer was won way before he ever showed up in court. You win by your preparation every time.

Guy Reams

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