The 365 Commitment

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat

Does Fortune really favor the bold? Probably not. Fortune probably can be equated to opportunity. So we can rephrase this statement to Opportunity comes to the Bold. So lets just pretend for a moment that the concept of fortune just does not exist. If that is true then we are really just talking about the ability to gain access to more opportunity. Perhaps, in this consideration, is that success is really just the ability, capacity, desire, willingness to pursue opportunity? So perhaps the latin phrase is absolutely correct. The bold get access to more opportunity and therefore will be more successful.

Is it that simple? I had someone ask me once. Why did that person get promoted and I did not? Thinking back on that question, I realized that the person that did get promoted was just far more aggressive. That person was very vocal about their desire and intent. In essence, they were bold. Consequently, the bold got the opportunity. This makes me wonder. How many opportunities are passing us by each day, not because they are not there, but because we are not bold enough to ask for them?

I had a client once that gave business to a competitor of mine. When I asked why he did that, his reply was simple. I had no idea that you wanted the business. I was like, huh? However, in reality I never really did tell him that I wanted that business. How was he supposed to know? I was not bold and therefore I did not get the opportunity.

So boldness probably does have a direct tie to the amount of opportunity that you are exposed to. Is this a major equation to success?

Guy Reams


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