The 365 Commitment

Bold Only Bold

As I have been thinking lately, in pondering those that have passed away, I come to one single conclusion. Our lives are short, really really short. We sometimes ponder how “bold should I be?” How courageous should I be? Should I shoot for the stars? Should I go for it?

The answer is absolutely yes. Just go for it. Your life is so short that you only have time to do one thing and that is to be bold only bold. Always bold. Never Not Bold. Courage is all you can really afford, anything less than that is wasting time. You want to know if you are wasting time? Simple, if you are not being bold you are wasting time.

So take courage fellow traveler. Our time is short. We will never see the end, we are only on this wagon train for a brief period of time. We have little control of where this thing is heading, and where it came from. All we have is what is on our little wagon today. Get your team going. Saddle up and go hard while you have the time.

Guy Reams

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