The 365 Commitment

Frustrated at the Inevitable

I realized today that getting frustrated by the inevitable is just a complete waste of time. So why do it? Why even get started? Better to get frustrated by something you are going to, actually can improve or make better. One of these things is having a knot get in your way on a fishing trip. No matter what you do, how organized you are, and even the coolest most expensive gear you own, you will end up having a knot in a line and usually at a moment when you are trying to do something and it is really annoying. The thing is this happens all the time. Getting frustrated by finding a knot on a fishing trip would be like finding out that it was hot in the desert, or that there are mosquitoes in the mountains, or that there is traffic on a LA freeway. I mean, why even start the path on frustration at all?

How much time do we waste, how much emotional energy do we drain getting upset by things that are just never going to, and will not ever change? Kids are going to make a mess, siblings will tease each other and teenagers roll their eyes at you. Go ahead and shake your fist at the heavens for raining, snowing, and blowing wind while you are at it. Of all the things that you should spend emotional energy on, what should it be?

If you pause and answer that question honestly for just a few moments, I will guarantee it will not be to spend any degree of emotion, and certainly not frustration with inevitable things in life. Yes, this does “always happen to you,” because it is inevitable.


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