The 365 Commitment

Like Breathing

We have all been blessed with the ability to just breathe with little effort. I have talked to some people where that has been taken away, by disease or injury and that is one thing they they definitely remark on about not taking for granted. Most people take about 20,000 breaths per day and you do that without really thinking about it. It is natural for you. That is something that you do extremely efficiently. It is also the thing that improves the most with weight loss, exercise and other self improvements. Like Breathing you may also learn to do other things just as easily, part of your function, part of who you are.

I am striving to make running, like breathing. So natural, so part of my life, that I do not really think about it. I just do it, I can enjoy it, but I can also just coast through it without much thought. Breathing. In and Out. Run.

Guy Reams

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