I like to make up words.  A little secret that I do to entertain myself. Funny thing is that my youngest daughter does the same thing. She comes up with names to describes things, even her own world to put them in. Anyway, I have words for behaviors or things I do and mechanisms that I create. Some of these names are really stupid, some are clever and many are allusions to things that I have read. I use them frequently in my business life, much to ridicule. However, I always grin to myself when I hear someone who does not even know me, using the same word that I created to describe the activity we are performing.

At any rate, I new really corny word that I have been playing with is called Mirrovation. This describes a moment, when you just wake up. You are tired. Dragging a bit. Stumble out of bed and go stand by the sink. You take a look in the mirror, confirm that yes this body you are walking around in is actually yours. You take a moment and look yourself in the eye and then you….

What exactly? It is at that exact moment that you have already made the decision as to what type of day it is. It is at that moment that you have already concluded if this is a good day, a productive day, a miserable day, or a complete waste of time. That is the moment. When you turn your eyes away and move to the next step the outcome of the day can already be predicted.

So rather then just casually dismissing this moment, you could stand there for a minute and really look yourself in the eyes. Start asking the question. What are you going today? Are you keeping the commitments? Are you following through? Are you going to make this the best day possible? You could stand there looking in the mirror and holding that thought until you know for certain that when you turn away it is with determination, with motivation.

Stare in the mirror until you gain motivation. Mirrotivation.


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2 years ago

I Iike it.
Girls and I created POC for point of completion.

“Please POC the table after dinner.”
“You POCed your room! Awesome!”

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