The last few moments of Jesus’ life is recorded by various onlookers. Interesting to note is that one of them was basically an assignment to one of his disciples to treat his mother as his own. Believing that he was the Son of God, or actually God aside, the tender moment in his brutal condition about ready to die he look on, sees his mother weeping and has compassion on her. I suppose that says a lot about the person, outside of the whole worship thing. A few moments later, he claims, I thirst. This is attributed to him making a specific prophesy come true, but the response from his capturers was to give him vinegar.

I grew up in the 70s and 80s, and there was one person that I remember from childhood the most. That was Mother Teresa from Calcutta, India. She had an article published called, I Thirst. In that article she talks a lot about the calling that she felt she received to care for the poor. Looking up that article, I was inspired by this note:

“the message was quite clear. I was to leave the convent and consecrate myself completely to help the poor and live among them. It was an order. I knew where I belonged, but I did not know how to get there.”

On a day when we celebrate Mothers, we all talk about the great sacrifice it takes to be a mother. Putting aside your own desires, careers, and ambitions to dedicate oneself to raising children. I suppose that the desire to dedicate yourself to a noble cause, with little seeking for recognition for doing so is the true sprit of Motherhood. I recognized that in Mother Teresa growing up, and I always aspired to answer a call as well with such devotion and humility.


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