The 365 Commitment

One Plan Myth

There is a myth propagated by those who have never succeeded much that there is only one plan that will work. They argue, to themselves and to others that will listen that the plan that they are currently thinking about is the plan that will work, that must work and that it is the only really workable plan. That is just not true. The reality that there are many plans that will work, and some will work quite well and achieve similar results. There are many ways to get to success and not just one way.

The one way is not true. It is a lie the overly confident tell themselves. The real truth is that no plan every ends up the way it starts. There is a whole sea of change that a plan goes through on the way to success. The plan will get diverted, redirected, stopped, restarted, torpedoed and launched again repeatedly. The one plan will go under a variety of permeatations before it will every even get close to success.

Success has very little to do with the great plan, the one plan, the only plan that someone is trying to get you to buy into. The reality is that the person pontificating the plan is really trying to get support, or in other words, trying to get someone else to execute the plan for them. After all, the first way to find out how bad a plan is to actually try to implement it. Behind every great plan, are people that actually implement the plan and it NEVER comes out they way it was intended.

Now when success finally is achieved, people will cry from the mountain tops about what a great planner they were. What tremendous vision. What foresight. Giant eye roll from the people who actually did the work.

Interesting note. The people that successfully implement a plan and carry it out, and work the plan through the various restructing that it must go through are usually the ones that reap the greatest benefit. They will not get glory or fame, they wiil not get acknowledgement, and in most cases they will not even be named as the author of the plan. However, they will be the the silent recipient of great reward.

Keep in mind that the McDonalds plan did not get executed by the original owners. They got their name under the arches, but it was Ray Kroc that executed the plan. The eventual model that he created, out of a lot of trial and error created what we call franchising today. It is the model that people follow when getting into this business. Many people out side of business circles do not know who Ray Kroc is, but he absolutely was the benefactor. The McDonalds brothers each got their million dollars (that was their goal) and Ray got billions. That would be another interesting debate however, who ended up living a happier life? Debatable. Ray got to own the Padres afterall but left his fortune to his 3rd wife. The McDonald brothers basically live a retirement like life for most their lives. However, not my point.

The point is that the original plan is never the one plan. There is no one plan. That is a complete fabrication. The point is that most good plans will work, you just need to commit to and execute on one.


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