The 365 Commitment

Immitted Energy

There is a theory that you can actually change the electromagnetic field of energy around you and thus influence your environment and people around you differently. Is this true? Can you “vibes” really be felt? Most people would probably believe this, because we have actually seen this happen. Your grumpy, moody, teenager walks in the room and you can “feel” his or her attitude. What is it that is happening? Is it a field of energy vibrating off them or is it the nonverbal signals they are deliberately showcasing to get a rise out of us? You come home and before you see your wife, you can just feel the seething anger almost as if it is coming through the walls. Is it her energy field, or is just simply the knowledge that you know you are in trouble for doing something stupid?

It could be a measure of both, but regardless, we certainly have the ability to change our circumstances by changing our attitude.

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