The concept of getting one thing done everyday. This is a powerful ideal, if, the one thing is actually helpful to you. So how do you pick the one thing? You could wake up every morning and go with your gut instinct. That might work. It actually will for the first few months. You will exhaust the items in your personal backlog. Then you will start to falter and the idea of doing one thing everyday of importance will become hard.

You will need direction. That is where SPAM thinking comes in. In my previous blog, I outlined this process. I created an objective for my week and outlined 5 key strategies. So today, I am going to work on the first strategy and get that done. I no longer have to worry about “what to do.” I no longer have to worry about why I am doing it. The only thing to worry about today is to get that strategy done that I had already agreed upon.

This plan will come off the rails if I do not do my daily strategies. So I did some WOOP thinking to consider how to overcome some common obstacles. Howver, I cannot think of everything. This is why, it is imperitive that you get the most important thing done first. First things first as the saying goes.

So when you rise in the morning, get preliminaries out of the way and then immediately get to work on the strategy. Do not delay. Do not let you mind get in the way. Do not over think it. Start and in an hour or two, you will have a solid idea of what has to get done today. You might finish early. That is fine. Get the task done. Get that one thing done. No matter what.

By doing this one thing early, you reduce the chance of distraction. You remove the possibility that something will come up that will prevent you. You also gain a full head of steam and once you have the engine stoked, it is hard to slow down.

So the lesson today is to take your one strategy for today and get started on it early. When you finish the day, put a giant check mark next to that task and smile.

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