The 365 Commitment

Day 19 – Personal is Business Transformation


The mission to transform your personal life could have a significant impact on other areas of your life, including your work. A few years ago, in the world of business leadership, I found myself facing a daunting challenge. My business unit was stuck in a rut, struggling to grow its revenue despite countless efforts and strategies. It seemed like nothing was working, and I was at a loss for solutions. That’s when I decided to embark on a personal transformation journey. Little did I know that this personal endeavor would become the catalyst for a remarkable transformation not only in my own life but also within the business I led. As I began this journey of self-improvement, I noticed a profound shift. I became more energetic, brimming with fresh ideas, and adept at resolving issues and making decisions. Inspiration flowed freely during my morning runs, and within about six months, something incredible started to happen. Many team members embarked on personal transformation journeys, pursuing goals they had long aspired to achieve. And then, almost like magic, our revenue numbers began to soar. It was clear to me that this was no coincidence.

The Engine of Personal Transformation

Think of a leader’s personal transformation journey as the fine-tuning of an engine in a vehicle. When that engine is operating at peak performance, the entire vehicle and all its passengers benefit. As the leader refines themselves, they generate momentum that propels not only their own progress but also influences those around them. Just as a well-tuned engine propels a vehicle forward, an inspiring leader drives the team toward success. The energy and determination radiating from the leader become contagious, encouraging others to embark on their own journeys of self-improvement.

To watch my video on this subject, click here

The Power of Personal Transformation in Leadership

Personal transformation equips a leader with the tools needed to excel. Developing personal habits such as organization, preparation, and discipline not only enhances a leader’s performance but also makes them less susceptible to stress and more resilient in the face of challenges. When a leader is secure in their personal well-being, they can devote more attention to the health and well-being of their team. Moreover, positivity and inspiration often come naturally when one feels good about themselves, enabling the leader to inspire and uplift those around them.

Encouraging Employees on Their Journey

Leaders should actively encourage their employees to embark on personal transformation journeys as well. When individuals achieve personal success, they are more likely to translate that success into the workplace. Encouraging personal growth and development within the team fosters a culture of continuous improvement, where both personal and business goals can be pursued in harmony. The success of individuals contributes to the collective success of the organization.

The High-Functioning Organization

A high-functioning organization is composed of high-functioning individuals. Consider a sports team – each player’s skill and dedication contribute to the overall success of the team. In the same way, an organization can only thrive when its members are committed to personal growth and excellence. The collective strength of individuals forms the bedrock upon which a high-functioning organization is built, and it is through personal transformation that this strength is cultivated.


In the grand journey of leadership and personal development, think of yourself as the engine that drives your business forward. As you fine-tune your capabilities and inspire those around you to do the same, you set in motion a powerful force of positive change. Your personal transformation will not only elevate your leadership but also influence the growth and prosperity of your organization. So, let’s all get our motors running, embrace personal transformation, and watch as it propels us toward unprecedented success. It’s time to take action and ignite the engines of transformation in ourselves and our teams. The journey begins now.

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