The 365 Commitment

Day 63 – Risk is Messy

Once, there was a young man named Leo. Leo lived in a small town where everyone knew each other. He had a dream, a big one. He wanted to start his own business, something no one in his town had ever dared to do.

Leo’s idea was unique. It was a café, but not just any café. It would be a place where people could come not just to eat and drink but to share stories, create art, and connect with one another. Leo imagined it as a hub of creativity and community.

But taking this step was scary. Leo had never run a business. Sure, he knew about making coffee and sandwiches, but running a café? That was a whole different world. He thought about all the things that could go wrong. What if no one came? What if he lost all his savings? These thoughts haunted him.

One evening, Leo decided to shelve his dream. “It’s too risky,” he told himself. But fate had other plans. That night, he had a dream. In his dream, he was walking through a dark forest. It was scary, but he kept walking. Suddenly, he fell into a deep pit. However, as dreams go, this was not a pit but the belly of a giant whale!

Inside the whale, it was dark and scary. But then, Leo realized something. He wasn’t alone. There were others in the whale’s belly, each with their own dreams and fears. They shared their stories, and Leo found comfort in knowing he wasn’t alone in his fears or his aspirations.

With a newfound sense of courage, Leo woke up from the dream. He realized he had to take the leap despite the risk. He started planning, not overthinking, just enough to get started. He found a small place for rent, and with some help from friends and family, he opened his café.

The first few months were tough. There were days when hardly anyone came. But Leo didn’t give up. He kept improving the café, making it more welcoming, adding new items to the menu, and hosting events. Slowly, the café began to attract a regular crowd.

There were days of despair, days when Leo thought he had made a huge mistake. But then, there were moments of pure joy, like when a local artist asked if he could display his paintings in the café or when a group of students made it their regular hangout spot.

In time, the café became exactly what Leo had dreamed of – a bustling hub of community and creativity. People didn’t just come for the coffee; they came for the experience, for the sense of belonging.

Leo’s journey was messy and uncertain, but it was also rewarding. He learned that risks are like being swallowed into the unknown. It’s scary and dark, but it’s also where you find the most unexpected and wonderful opportunities.

And that’s the lesson Leo’s story teaches us. Taking risks is never easy. It’s often messy and filled with doubt. But it’s also where growth happens. It’s where dreams take shape and come to life. So, if you’re standing at the edge of your own big decision, remember Leo. Take that step. Embrace the messiness. You never know what amazing things await on the other side.

Watch my video on Leo, here

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