Day 332 – If you are in, go all in.

When I was young, I thought it was the right thing for me to say yes to everything. You never want to lose out on an opportunity, right? When I got older, I learned that maturity is learning to say no. I never really understood what it meant to grow up until I learned to tell someone no. To decline an opportunity and to do so for the right reasons. Too many times in my young life, I struggled to thrive because I was trying to do too much for too many people. I had my hands, feet, fingers, and toes in a bunch of different places and always found that I could never be excellent at anything. There is one benefit: I learned a lot. There is that!

I was probably designed to be a farmer/warrior. My ancestors were most likely farmers during most months and warriors during other times. This explains my capacity and curiosity to learn a bunch of things and then my sudden wanderlust and desire to explore new things. At least, this is my excuse for that behavior.

If I had one piece of advice to give people, and they would listen to me, it would be this. When you get involved in something, go all in on it. Put your whole soul into what you commit to. Make it count. If you will spend your precious time and resources on something, then do that. If you find something you are passionate about, then pack your bags walk out the door, and do not look back. You may fail and falter, but at least you will know that you left it all on the table. You held nothing back.

Most of the stress, anxiety, worry, and angst in my life has come from being too many things at once. Commit to a path and run that course until it is done. Go all in.

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