Day 8 – Just Do It Anyway

If you are trying to keep a commitment to start making the journey toward lifelong change, then by the second week, you are already beginning to feel the pain.

Just do it anyway.

You are most likely feeling a bit down after the initial high that you were on following your start. You were excited and enthusiastic but now the motivation has waned. You realize that motivation was not your friend after all. Motivation has wholly abandoned you.

Just do it anyway.

You had to go to a family function or got home late from a flight, and you had no time to do your commitment today. It is late at night and you have an early start tomorrow morning. You are feeling the pull to just go to bed and not do it. What is one day anyway? You start to convince yourself that you do not need to make the commitment today.

Just do it anyway.

You are sick. You are sore. You are depressed. You are fat. You are weak. You are embarrassed. You are overwhelmed. You are stressed out. You are discouraged. You are disadvantaged. You strung out. You are abused. You are many things.

Just do it anyway.

This is the only correct mentality. The “Just do it anyway” mentality. The “I might as well do it now because I am going to have to do it sometime today” mentality. This is the no-excuse mentality. This is the doggy paddle through the deep end of despair mentality. This is the attitude when your stupid, inconsiderate primal brain starts to whine and complain. You just look into the mirror and say, “You know what? I am going to….”

Just do it anyway.

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