The 365 Commitment

Repeat – 103 Days Left

Reflecting this morning on accomplishing great goals. I am staying at a ski resort, so my morning run routine is slightly disrupted. As an alternative I decided to rent a pair of snow shoes and go up the mountain in the morning. I think it turned out to be worse than running! Anyway, I had a lot of time to reflect as I climbed the mountain this morning. I started to view the top as my impossible goal, my dream of the future. This seemed an impossible task, overwhelming. I kept thinking, I will just go part way, or just to that tree, or just over that ridge.

The concept that came to me as I was climbing the impossible was to simply put one foot in front of the other and repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Then after many repetitions the impossible starts to become less so, until the end looks in reach. So this extends to life, especially those of us with impossible dreams. Can you achieve the impossible? Maybe, Maybe Not.

However, you can put one foot in front of another. You can take one step today, and one step tomorrow. You can build a consistent habit that gets you closer and closer to your target with everyday effort. So I guess the lesson today for me is, stop whining about how hard it is, how impossible it is and just start climbing the mountain. When the going gets tough, which it will, just keep repeating your pace until you overcome the hard parts.

Guy Reams
365 Alumni
103 Days Left to 1st Marathon

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