The 365 Commitment

Blog 116 – Resolute

Today is day 123 of my 365 Commitment re-boot.  I began the 365 Commitment early in 2018 but failed to maintain the streak of consecutive days of Commitment beyond 90 days during that year.  Inherent in the name is the aspiration to achieve 365 consecutive days.  I resisted the urge to cheat, and that daily look in the mirror required that I start over. So, I did,  . . . several times.

The Navy Seals have a policy that allows recruits attempting to complete their grueling basic training to start over if they stop the training due to injury.  David Goggins, an former Navy Seal, who is now a motivational speaker and coach, went through “Hell Week” three times due to this policy.  He persevered and eventually managed to make it through, and his story inspired me.  Obviously, keeping daily commitments to myself is not as grueling as Navy Seal training.  Nonetheless, it is not easy,  and more importantly, integrity to the process is priceless.

So, I re-booted and started over on Jan 1 of 2019. So far, I  have stuck with it for 123 consecutive days. After, 6 days I committed writing a daily Blog.  That is why the title of today’s blog contains the number 116.  This blog serves many functions in my life, not the least of which is an accountability check providing written daily evidence that I have kept at least one of my 365 commitments to myself daily.

The requirement for “graduating” and becoming an “alumni” of the 365 Commitment has emerged spontaneously and was not planned when Guy and I began this project in early 2018.  Instead of tracking one’s number of consecutive days of commitment forever (which is certainly still OK to do), it made sense to “graduate” after achieving 365 days of consistency in terms of conscious adherence to commitments made.  So far, only Guy Reams and his son Ayden have managed this feat.  I am determined to make it there as well and join the ranks of 365 Commitment Alumni, I hope there are people reading this who will achieve the same! Certainly, daily blogging is great way to orient your mind every day and remain accountable.

I am also determined to maintain and improve the quality of my daily commitments which, although consistent, have admittedly been uneven in terms of quality.  So, here I stand about 1/3 of the way into my re-booted journey to 365.  The waves of intensity have come and gone, and may return,  I don’t know.  I do know that I feel resolute today and will simply place one foot in front of the other and continue to follow the process keeping my eye on the prize and on the future vision that I hope top realize.  Not a bad place to be.

Ben Wagner (123)

Member The 365 Commitment

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