Day 82 – Spend that extra 5 minutes

In the morning when you compile your 365 list, the commitment asks you to pray/meditate about your list and then add to the list if you are inspired to serve or help others, or modify your list in someway. Perhaps there is something far more important that you should focus on today that will help you achieve your objectives?

I have got myself developing shortcuts to keeping this habit. A few days ago, I wrote about doing something different that prepares you mentally to pray/meditate. For example, you would not want to write your list and then just pray right there at the same desk, sitting in the same position. That will eventually lead to a simple memorized routine where you are really not praying or contemplating deeply – you are just going through the motions.

Instead you want to do something that will signal to your mind and soul that it is time to be serious, and really focus and listen carefully to any inspiration you receive. Do you really want to start the day out trying to accomplish your dreams without taking a few precious moments to really determine if you have chosen the correct path?

Seriously, I think most of will absolutely agree with me that the prayer step of this commitment is the most important component. Can you spare an extra 5 minutes in your day to really contemplate, pray, ask questions and listen and make sure you are taking the right approach?

Ha! Maybe you really do think you can accomplish this life all by yourself, maybe you think that you are actually in control! Actually, I do not think you go that far in your thinking. If you are like me, it is not that I disregard God, or any spiritual part of my life – I just push it aside in favor of my own mental mindset. I think I figured out why.

Focused meditation and prayer is actually not that easy. I can sit and play a game on my phone – that is easy. I can browse the Internet and read a bunch of stupid stuff – that is easy. I can watch a TV show – that is easy. However, to spend 5 minutes in prayer and contemplate my plan for the day – that is really hard! By nature I am lazy, and the thought of putting just 5 minutes of effort into the most important thing I can do all day long is just something I will naturally avoid.

I need to wake myself up from this attitude. I can spare 5 minutes. I can get my mind to wake up and stop being lazy to spend 5 minutes in prayer. I think you can too!

Guy Reams (82)
365 Member

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