The 365 Commitment

Day 128 – Allergy to Uncertainty

A fun by product of following the 365 commitment for me has been an acute awareness of things that trouble me, or cause me to be off my game slightly. The latest root cause, or anxiety producing source that I have recognized is uncertainty. I am a person who has always thrived in uncertain environments, but I am recognizing that when I am faced with an undefinable outcome to my actions, or something beyond my control – it causes anxiety.

It feels almost like an allergy. I have an allergy to certain types of pollen produced by plants. When they are in bloom, I have a slight difficulty breathing, trouble sleeping, I have cloudy perception and I generally have an out of sorts feeling until I can stabilize and deal with the allergy and its symptoms. Very interesting – when I am faced with any significant amount of uncertainty – I feel exactly the same way!

Is this a coincidence, or perhaps I am reacting to an allergy as if it was an attack, and in a similar fashion I am viewing uncertainty as an attack. So I googled Uncertainty and Allergy and sure enough an article or two published with that exact same concept. Apparently, according to a few of these sources, dome people have really adverse reactions to uncertainty. They even have names for this condition.

I do not think I am that crippled by it, but it is definitely something to be aware of. When you are faced with uncertainty, the human brain starts to seek out root cause and will start affixing small things around you as possible threats. Anything that someone says, or does, your brain may find a way to interpret that as a threat and start to figure out ways to avoid the threat, or eliminate it.

Interesting element to human psychosis that I have never considered. Uncertainty is absolutely a trigger for some very primal instincts and something to be aware of.

This morning for my 365 list, I am going to take a moment relax and think about what uncertainty I am facing. I am going to think rationally about my approach and recognize that I just simply cannot control everything around me and be ok with that. I will tell the primal, natural me to chill out and the rational, spiritual me will figure out how I can overcome uncertainty and focus on what is important to me today.

Guy Reams (128)
365 Member

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