The 365 Commitment

Do Something Not Anything

Fill in this sentence, I would do anything to…

How many times have you heard this coming from another or coming from yourself? Perhaps not those exact words but close enough. I would give anything to own a car like that. I would give anything to live in a house like that. I would give anything to look like that. I would give anything to own this, have that, visit there, or be here. We would do anything, which actually means that we will do nothing. You actually could own some grand possession, live in some exotic place, have a killer job, or be that awesome person. You do not have to do anything, you instead have to do something.

Sometimes, most of the time in fact, the something is actually ridiculously simple. For example if you wanted to have a million dollars in your bank account in by the time you were age +30 then you do not need to do anything crazy. Simply just put $20 bucks a day into a decent money market account. In 30 years you will most likely have 1M in cash. Not really that hard. You are probably spending that much unnecessarily on nothing. Spend it on something. Spend it on a objective. If you want to be in better shape, no problem. Just walk everyday. If you want to be more successful, wake up every morning at 5am, everyday. If you want to meet more people, talk to someone new everyday. There are thousands of ways to get things you want and they are usually incredibly simple when you break them down to the something that you could do.

We say we want to achieve something, but how often do we say that with a fleeting idea and no real commitment behind it? If you want to achieve something, then you absolutely need to consider what IT is that you are going to do to get there. Short blog today, because I am really really focused on something I want to achieve and I WORKED MY TAIL OFF to achieve it today! You know what, I am going to do it tomorrow as well and then probably the next day, and the day after that.

If you want something, then you must pay the price. The price tag never reads “anything” it always has an amount. You willing to pay?

Guy Reams

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