The 365 Commitment


I was looking for a word today that described exactly how I felt. Well, I found it. The word is resurgence. It is a noun and it means: an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence.

So I have not necessarily had a period of “little activity” but I have been very sick and had to gut through my commitments with all manner of loathing. I am definitely no where near where I was at 1 year ago today. A year ago today, I was probably at the peak of my performance improvement as a person. I was running, doing body weight exercises, memorizing things for fun, tracking my nutritional consumption and doing several other very healthy things. I had not been sick for almost 2 years and now wammo, I have been really sick for several days AND I am showing some dings in my non so shiny armor.

So I need a resurgence. I need an INCREASE after a period of inactivity. I need to not only return to the level that I was at, but I need to exceed that level and get to the next plane. I know that it is entirely possible, I can see glimmers of hope here and there. So now in the midst of the Covid-19 outbreak and as the common cold and flu ravage me, I will rise up and hit the day with even more vigor then I have ever before.

Not because I have to, or want to, but because I CAN and I WILL. Here comes the resurgence!

Guy Reams

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