The 365 Commitment

My Quantum Day

So if you have studied quantum physics at all, you will know of this this concept called Schrödinger’s Cat. It is a scenario to describe how a quantum system remains in superposition until it is actually observed. In this example, there was this hypothetical experiment in which the outcome could be that the cat lives or dies. When unobserved the cat could be alive or dead, but when someone looks into the box, that cat will be in one of those two states. This is a fun area to read up on. It is quite incredible actually to contemplate the infinite.

The reason I bring this up is that my daily routine is a similar conundrum as illustrated by this cat experiment. I can produce many different results, all in superposition. My day, when it starts, can have a wide range of possibilities. However, it is my observation, my action, my purpose that will cause that result to occur. This is the Quantum view of my day. If I were to magnify my life out to the maximum degree, or view my lifespan as infinite or immortal, then my one day would seem trivial and insignificant.  However, is it? If I look at one day in time and capture that day then it could be the instance that proves the result.

This is why I must wake up everyday with this attitude. Today I can choose the result by deliberate action on today’s challenges. Very quantum thinking, the version of Guy today, on this one microscopic day, will cause a chain of events that leads to another possibility. Each day producing a new branch, a better branch of the infinite life of Guy.

Guy Reams


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