The 365 Commitment

Finding the THE

A mental trick that I have been experimenting with. We often find ourselves looking for something and we take a certain attitude with us as we do so. For example, we might look for “a” job. That has a connotation for sure, but what if you replaced that simple phrase with this working, “I am looking for THE job.” How does that change your mind set?

There are countless scenarios where replacing the word “a” with “the” will completely change your perception of the activity.

I am looking for a boy/girlfriend, rather I am looking for THE boy/girlfriend.

I am going to be playing in a game on Saturday, rather I am going to be playing in “THE” game on Saturday.

I am looking for a new client to sell to, rather I am looking for “THE” client to sell to.

I am looking for a restaurant to have dinner at this weekend, rather I am looking for “THE” restaurant to have dinner at this weekend.

I am looking to buy a new house, rather I am looking to buy “THE” house.

As you work through that list, it will really change your perspective. That can be good, but I will also warn, when you are finding the “THE” be wary that you do not become paralyzed with fear. Often times you need to try a few times before you get it right. Failure is often times the ONLY way we can truly find the “THE.”

Guy Reams

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