The 365 Commitment

Day 138 – Saturation Point

In the realm of science, there’s a fascinating concept known as the saturation point, where a substance reaches its limit for absorbing a liquid. This marks a state of equilibrium, where no further absorption can occur. I believe this concept can also apply to us, especially when we’re engrossed in pursuing a particular ambition. Yet, it’s rare for us to reach this point, primarily because we seldom push ourselves to the limit. It begs the question: Can you reach a saturation point with something you’re earnestly pursuing?

The answer is a resounding yes. If you have a goal in mind, shouldn’t striving for saturation be a daily endeavor? Think about it—if there’s still capacity to absorb more about a topic that’s your number one aspiration, how can you justify ending the day knowing you could’ve learned more? I often ponder how many of us truly understand what it feels like to hit that wall where no more information can be assimilated.

Among those who acknowledge this concept, how many pick up where they left off the next day, continuing to absorb until they’ve reached saturation again? Personally, there was a phase in my life when I experienced saturation for several consecutive days. This was during a time when I crammed as much knowledge as possible to qualify for teaching courses, which would, in turn, provide me with income. Day and night, I dedicated myself to learning until my brain could take no more, only to start again the following day. This rigorous routine lasted for several months, a period during which I acquired the bulk of the knowledge that would fuel my career over the next decade.

Back then, things were simpler for me. With fewer responsibilities and minimal expenses, I could focus entirely on the subject at hand. Now, as I’ve grown older, maintaining that level of focus is more challenging. Competing interests constantly vie for my attention, making daily saturation a matter of creativity and deliberate planning.

To achieve this, I like to radically alter everything in my environment to maintain a steady focus on my area of interest, aiming for saturation. Consider the amount of time you spend on activities unrelated to your core focus. Is it possible to reach saturation when your newsfeeds, social media, streaming content, books, and everything else clutter your mind with anything but your primary focus? Take 10 minutes to evaluate where your inputs come from. Could you systematically adjust them to align with your primary ambition? By doing so, identifying your saturation point won’t be long in coming. Imagine a series of days where you’re completely engrossed in your focus area; the growth potential is immense. The benefits of this practice become evident after just a few days, underscoring the importance of striving for saturation each day.

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