The 365 Commitment

Day 12 – The importance of “closing” the day

As this process of starting and ending each day in prayer and reviewing my tasks and contemplating what is the most important to me and to those I am trying to serve – I am realizing just how important it is to officially close the day. When you sit down to contemplate what you did or did not do, cross things off your list and then pray about what you need to work on, or do better tomorrow there is a sense of closure. Almost a relaxing feeling that says – ok, you are done with today – you did your best with the time given you – now go to sleep and tomorrow you can create a new list to strive for.

I am almost thinking the wrap up time at the end of the day is just as important as the beginning!

Keep up the good work, and if you forgot a day or two along the way – don’t give up!

Guy Reams (12)
365 Member

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