The 365 Commitment

Day 254 – Hope

This morning I had a bit of a revelation of a truth that seemed much more simple when I was doing my meditation routine. Now as i type this it seems silly, but i do believe that hope is a crucial element to healthy living.

I think the opposite is despair. Hope and despair are usually emotions that are followed by powerful concepts and then action. Both Hope and Despait also are fueled by their subject. The true, the more powerful the subject the greater the impact that one of these two emotions will have.

Hope is a focus on the future, of what you want to become or how you want to change the world around you. Despair is a focus on the past, of how things could of or perhaps should of been. Regret is ok, when followed by corrective action. However, despair is a inappropriate amount of time considering the past and wanting to change it. Hope, on the other hand has a brightness to it, a clarity of purpose in which one can never spend to much time.

In esoteric terms, hope in the future brings spiritual rebirth. Despair about the past brings spiritual death. Many religions teach forgiveness, so that we can learn to forgive each other but more importantly ourselves.

So please stop the despair and look to the future with a perfect brightness of hope.

Guy Reams (254)

365 Member

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