The 365 Commitment

Day 34 of 84 – Be Deliberate

Every day when you wake up there are the best things that you could do. Being consistent about really powerful and healthy habits is one of those best things. However, there are other best things and they are personal to you and to what role you are currently playing in life. This can be confusing, because there are so many options for things you could be doing. This last week, while in West Point, I learned several new techniques, was reminded of solid leadership principles and given some new tools that I could use in leading teams, and improving my own life.

However, do I do them all? What about all the others that I have learned? It seems like every book that I turn the cover on, every YouTube video that I listen to has some new big secret to the problems of life that if I would just follow, all would be well. So which one? Which set of things to I employ in my life.

Are you listening? Do you want to know the secret? Do you really want to know how to pick which helpful tools you use in your life and which ones that you do not? Here is the answer:

It does not matter. Pick a couple that seem to compliment what you are working on and start being deliberate about it. The THING that is in your way, is not the fact that you have chosen the wrong tool or the wrong methodology, the THING is that you have not been deliberate about it. As long as the methodology, or concept that you are following is sound, practically and purposefully applied it will yield results. Those results are probably infinitely better then the results you are getting now. So what the bleep are you waiting for? An invitation to get started? A revelation from divinity!?

Well here it is. An angel told me to tell all of you this morning, to just freaking pick something good and start doing it. Today. Now. Ride at Dawn. There you have it. Divine revelation received, now get off your rear end and start implementing what you already know will work. I have removed completely your excuse. Do not believe in divine revelation? Instead you believe in universal harmony and the unique striking of the chords of circumstance? Well guess what! I woke up this morning and strung the harp strings of the cosmos for you. The moment is now. Now is the time to take what you know and apply it and become great. Be deliberate today.

Can you?

You see now is always the time. There is not freaking future. There is no bleeping past. It is right &$^@*#! now! What you pick to implement does not matter much. Just pick something good, the best that you have in front of you and start doing it and be deliberate. Focus on it. Make a quick plan and get started. If you need extra planning, then schedule that today. Spend an hour in deliberate planning on how you are going to get this done. If you do not know exactly how to do it and need advice, schedule an hour to learn more. Be deliberate. Have a purpose. For once you can take control of you. Be you and be you deliberately.

Will you?

You and you alone are in charge of your life, this moment, this now. If you took the time to read this blog today – then ask yourself if you are willing to do what it takes to become the great person, the great gift to humanity that you could become if you just started doing the things that you know you could, and ultimately want to if you could just shed the veil of uncertainty and doubt. I hereby banish the doubt for you! I woke up this morning and slayed the doubt demons on your behalf. They no longer exist! You are in complete control now. What are you going to do about it! You have the potential to impact the society, community around you. If not a bunch of people, then you could change the life of just one. Is that worth it? Is that worth the sacrifice!? Who is that one? Are they worth trading in your lazy doubtful mind for the new active, anxious and engaged mind? If you are not willing to go get after it for the benefit of all humankind, then do it for the one!

I am crying now as I write this blog. Speaking more to myself then to anyone else of course, but I know you. You are awesome. You already are great, now is the time to rise up and be deliberate about what you already know will work.

For one of you it is Day 2, for me it is Day 34 of my new 84 day sprint. We are all on the same journey. Overcoming self in a relentless pursuit of the greatness of humanity.

Guy Reams

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